Meet Jordy - Driving force behind our Emergency Services offering
For several years, we've been actively cooperating with emergency services and built products that have a true impact in the field. Below, Jordy tells you what working with emergency services is like and how we shape our vision on the sector.
Why your smartphone remains the dominant AI device
Despite new specialised AI devices, we believe that smartphones will remain the dominant form factor in the AI era.
Rabbit R1 - An AI smartphone killer?
The Rabbit R1 aims to be your pocket-sized AI companion. The idea being that you carry a separate device with you that can perform actions for you by simply talking to it. It would be an AI-powered replacement of your smartphone. In our review below, you'll find out if that's really the case!
From intern to front-end expert - Steven's decade at Endare
Every team member has a unique story to tell. Today, Steven shares his journey from an intern to a front-end development expert.
WWDC 2020 brought to you bite-sized
This blog article covers the important announcements of the keynote of WWDC2020 for our partners. Find out what's important for your business!
Open source in AI development
Open source is now a great accelerator and enabler of development of Artificial Intelligence, giving developers the freedom to innovate with AI.