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New Year, New Us

New Year, New Us

A new year is traditionally associated with New Year's resolutions that we may or may not keep. Some colleagues at Endare have shared their resolutions for 2022. Let's see what they are up to this year.



If we maintain the momentum of last year, we are sure that 2022 will be a pivotal year for Endare's design team. This year, we will try to focus even more on in-depth support for our customers and partners. We hope to make this commitment stronger this year by better communicating our services.

After two years of covid pandemic, we are proud that we have still managed to keep our direct communication streamlined. No matter where our partners were, or how the developers were working, the design team was always available. And even though we hope to have more of a physical presence at our headquarters this year, we want to make sure that we continue with our open mindset of last year. We still want to be inspired by everything around us. We toast to our creative team, let's make 2022 a year to remember!



I have always had a passion for video games. This year I would like to put my mobile development skills to the test and develop my first mobile game using Unity. I believe this knowledge will become useful in future projects.

Apart from gaming, I really loved the times when I could get together with my colleagues to play board games after working hours. I hope that this year we will have the opportunity to organise these evenings again when the whole covid thing is finally under control.



I would like to divide my New Year's resolutions into two categories: personal and professional.

On a personal level, my goal is to continue my weight loss journey this year. I lost 30kg in 2020 and would like to improve my lifestyle further. For me, this means eating healthier than last year and going to the gym more regularly. Maybe I will pick up a new sport this year. With this resolution, I want to set a goal for myself, something I can quantify. So, here it is: in 2022 I want to lose an additional 22kg. I like the symbolism of the number.

Now for my professional goals. Last year I joined the sysadmin team and the current project I am working on requires me to work with Azure on a daily basis. Therefore, this year I have set my sights on learning more about the Azure ecosystem and how it can be used for Endare's needs.



It's a bit cliché, but I'm sure a lot of people go through this. During the Christmas holidays I tend to skip my jogging sessions. This is my annual habit... Until I start jogging again late in the new year. But not in 2022! As a New Year's resolution, I am starting my jogging programme again this week and you should do the same. 😊 Lock a time slot in your diary, set targets with a jogging partner or go for a drink after an exhausting workout. Good luck! 😉

Last year in November I went to a concert by Balthazar, which is one of the rock bands I really like. It was a real revelation to experience this music in such an intense way in a crowded arena after all this time without any good live concerts. I am still savoring the moment and it makes me forget my worries for a while. This year, I am determined to go to more live concerts. I feel energised and ready to deliver new project releases to our partners.



A new year comes with good new habits, right? Well, not in my case. Not that I don't have aspects of my life that I want to improve. I just don't think that "good" new habits made on New Year are sustainable.

That's why I don't approach it in the mainstream way and make plans for good new habits. Except for running, which is a new habit that I picked up on the 2nd of January by good luck. But that is just pure luck. And maybe also go outside a bit more often, which I also started on the 2nd of January.

While this looks like a mainstream "New Year, good new habits" scenario, believe me, it is not… I guess not… Is it?

Sander C


Even though the new year is pronounced as 2020 too, we do not want a repeat of THAT year. To overcome this, I also have new resolutions for this year.

My fitness condition has to be brought back up to standard. I will start with the little things, such as ignoring the elevator and always taking the stairs. I have also fallen victim to the latest trend, which is padel. I want to boost my padel skills in the new year by taking proper lessons that will give my level a push in the right direction.

Professionally, I am fully rested after the holiday period so that I can give it my all again this year.

Sander G


As a founder I became involved in so many projects during my 11 years at Endare. But lately I find myself in a situation where, far too often, I am the bottleneck and people have to wait for me. So sometime last year I decided to delegate more and I definitely hope to continue this in 2022. Endare is a team full of skilled and talented people. Part of being a good manager is believing in these people and empowering them to grow.

On a more personal note, I hope to find some more time to exercise again in 2022. "A healthy mind in a healthy body" is a cliché but clichés tend to be be based on a ground of truth. My race bike hasn't seen much daylight in 2021 so I definitely hope to change that again.



2021 and, by extension, 2020 meant that we were locked inside our own walls more often than ever. As a sales director, it is not easy to engage with our customers and partners in this way. This year, I have decided to visit our customers more often and to do more networking during the periods in which this is possible.

During the lockdown last year, I had the bright idea to buy a smart bike, including a subscription to keep me fit. Working out at home was a big hype at the time and I couldn't stay behind. However, this didn't really go as planned… Since I got the bike, I have only used it 3 times. Let's raise that number to at least 10 this year!

Pieter W


As the new year begins, it's once again the season to think about how I can improve myself just a little bit this year. Time for New Year's resolutions! Starting with my professional resolutions. Since I started at Endare last summer, I have been overwhelmed with new things, terms, ... During the second half of 2021, I focused on learning as much as I could about development and code. I would like to keep this up, so that I can have a genuine laugh when a programming joke is made.

Furthermore, I would like to work on my technical knowledge of websites and focus on a Google Tag Manager course. That way, I can develop further as an online marketer.

Of course, I also have cliché resolutions, such as the plan to be in shape for next summer. This is unfortunately a work in progress of several years, but I feel it, this will be my year! I also want to reduce my screen time. I know, my job is not ideal for that. But during my free time I would like to work on this and maybe discover a new hobby. Finally, I would like to keep all my New Years' resolutions this year. I will let you know next year if I succeeded!



At Endare, developers learn fast (and a lot). New frameworks, different ways of working, a completely new programming language - we never sit still. As a developer, we can grow in every direction and we are encouraged to do so! This way we learn to tackle very complex tasks. Perhaps 2022 will be the year to explore other fields besides development. Let's take a design course, or let's organise Endare's next team building event? The possibilities are limitless!

The nasty coronavirus hasn't gone away in 2021 and it looks like it will be here for a while... But that won't stop us from having fun. It’s often time to just close the laptop and focus on other things. Things like after work drinks, big and small team building activities or just a chat with colleagues during lunch are very important. That’s why colleagues at Endare are also friends!

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