
Back to what we do

We empower your business with custom AI solutions

Due to the revolutionary improvements over the past years, Artificial Intelligence systems will more than ever become an indispensable part of your business. We guide you through adoption of AI solutions, from the assessment of use cases to full deployment and beyond so you can stay ahead of the curve.

AI Solutions

Outperform your competition with our generative AI masterclass

Our team of AI experts can help you bring out the true value of generative AI.
Discover AI use cases that empower your business or organisation in our 2-hour masterclass.

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Our AI success stories


What we offer

Process automation

Streamline repetitive, time-consuming business tasks while minimizing human error.

Billing and invoicing

Report generation

Data entry and automation

Conversational AI

Meet your customers' or employees' needs quickly and 24/7 with an interactive experience.

Technical support

Customer requests processing

Effective lead generation

Real-time personalisation

Get to know what your customers want and offer them products and services that best suit their needs.

Technical support


Targeted advertising

Predictive analytics

Get the best assessment of a future situation. Use your historical data and machine learning to identify the likelihood of future outcomes and nurture evidence-based decision-making.

Demand forecasting

Risk management

Customer churn

Anomaly detection

Detect abnormal events that do not conform to expected behavioural patterns by analysing your datasets.

Fraud detection

Prevention of security breaches

Discovery of performance opportunities

Image and video analysis

Recognize characters, faces and objects in images and videos fast and accurately.

Medical diagnosis


Product categorisation

Artificial Intelligence

Integrate world-leading AI models into your business or solution

With a keen understanding of the transformative power of AI models like GPT, Bard or DALL-E we are dedicated to boost your digital capabilities and experiences. By seamlessly integrating these advanced models into your digital products, we empower you to unlock a new range of possibilities. Whether it's crafting highly engaging chatbots, developing language-driven content creation tools, or revolutionizing customer support systems, our implementation of AI models ensures exceptional user interactions.

Endare as your AI partner

Long-lasting partnerships

We’ve co-created more than 150 solutions with over 60 partners. Our team of experts can help you take your Artificial Intelligence idea from concept to completion and beyond.

Multi-industry experience

As full-service software developers, we have more than 10 years of experience in AI development. With our team of over 30 experts in Ghent, we work towards the most intuitive AI solutions with our partners.

End-to-end innovation

At Endare, we’re passionate about the latest advancements in all parts of the development cycle. We never stop learning to ensure we keep developing cutting-edge applications.

Integrity and security

We know the challenges of compliant AI development. We focus on making your solution both integer and secure with a high level of explainability.

Technologies we leverage

Business intelligence

We build solutions that enable you to collect and interpret your data efficiently. Ranging from dashboards to software for in-depth analysis, we implement solutions that integrate seamlessly with your business needs.

Machine learning

Through machine learning, we uncover patterns and hidden trends from large volumes of data. Enable your information systems to provide insights both in real-time and for the future to boost your decision making capabilities.

Natural language processing

We collect information from your structured or unstructured written and audio data to unlock new ways of interacting with customers, making their user experience realistic and efficient.

Computer vision

We build and train AI-driven systems to analyse multimedia content to identify elements in an accurate and efficient way, allowing you to focus on more value adding tasks.

Cloud computing

We leverage the cloud’s potential to train and implement AI solutions. We build, train and deploy solutions on top of major cloud platforms of your choice.

Discover how AI can boost your business

Transform your ideas into tangible prototypes. Let's talk!

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